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Culture - Jan 27, 2019

Caring for workers

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威尼斯注册送38元的领导希望免费诊所能改善员工的整体健康状况, 这将带来更高效的劳动力和更低的整体医疗成本.

Caring for workers

Caring for workers


由于医疗保险是雇主的最高成本之一——如果不是最高成本的话——企业一直在寻找省钱的方法. For some businesses, 答案似乎有悖常理——通过员工诊所扩大医疗服务范围.

During a recent three-month span, 金伯利地区学区估计它节省了30多美元,雇员使用该地区的诊所,而不是去常规的医疗服务提供者那里看病,从而节省了5万美元(即53%)的医疗费用, says Dawn Ludwig, director of human resources for KASD.

The KASD Health & Wellness Center, 它位于地区总部附近的一栋大楼里, opened three years ago. Staffed by Ascension Medical Group employees, ksd保健和保健中心提供免费初级保健, urgent care, physical therapy, health coaching, lab work, 为地区雇员及其家庭提供的慢性护理管理和其他服务,这些服务属于ksd的健康保险计划. An estimated 1,400 people are eligible to use the clinic.

“我们的目标是改善员工及其家人的健康和生活质量,并随着时间的推移降低医疗保健和相关成本,” Ludwig says.

一个现场诊所是一个提供员工欣赏, says Erik Ellingson, an employee at Waupaca Foundry, who has used the company’s clinic.

“In both of my circumstances, 他们就在现场,把我送进送出,从这个意义上说,这是一次很棒的经历,” he says. “诊所是一个很好的资产,因为你准时出现,他们会按时照顾你. 这对我来说不是正常的医疗预约经历.”

KASD and Waupaca Foundry are not alone. A third of U.S. companies with more than 5,000名员工拥有自己的现场或附近诊所, according to a Mercer survey on worksite medical clinics. 在拥有500至4999名员工的企业中,有16%拥有自己的诊所.


“我们总是说,我们正在努力将我们的诊所现场或附近的任何服务带到公司,以提供更好的访问, 控制成本,最终降低医疗风险,” says Mark Hillesheim, Prevea’s director of corporate health and wellness.

Prevea的企业合作伙伴网站平均包括两到五个房间, 任何时候都有两名卫生专业人员,通常还有一名接待员. Onsite health professionals can include chiropractors, dietitians, physical therapists, nurses, health coaches, physician assistants and doctors.

希博伊根的一些公司网站也开始每周提供几个小时的心理健康服务, Prevea最近在一些公司站点推出了移动乳房x光检查部门.

而希尔斯海姆表示,大多数企业客户都将诊所设在现场, some have them at another location, such as a nearby clinic, or share a location with other businesses. 例如,在希博伊根,五家企业共用一个位于商业街的场地.

Just as each employer is different, so is each clinic. At the KASD clinic, in addition to providing clinical services, 该中心的健康教练举办戒烟等健康项目.


KASD诊所每周大约24小时开放,包括上学前和傍晚. It averages an estimated 150 visits per month.

“我们的工作时间与我们的员工非常一致, 它确实允许在上学前或放学后都有时间,” Ludwig says. “Those
hours make it really convenient.”



威尼斯注册送38元与ThedaCare At Work合作,在沃帕卡医疗中心为其员工提供诊所, retirees or their families.

大多数选择员工诊所的企业都是自行投保的, 这意味着他们的医疗费用直接从预算中扣除.

“We accept the risk of the volatility for health care, versus a fixed-cost insurance program where the insurance company would accept and bear the risk; there’s usually a premium above what a self-insured plan would be,” says Rob Johnson, Waupaca Foundry’s chief financial officer. “We pay every claim. 无论一名普通员工平均每年花费1.2万美元还是1.5万美元,我们都会承担这笔成本.”

如果威尼斯注册送38元没有自行投保,并使用保险公司, Johnson says it could cost the company more in the end.


“他们向我们支付的服务费用与他们在常规医疗保健系统支付的费用之间存在相当大的差异,” he says.

约翰逊说,威尼斯注册送38元在做决定之前研究了一年的诊所选择. “这不是一个你一两个月就能完成的过程. 有很多计划需要做,”他说.

With health care costs rising, 提供诊所似乎对公司和员工都有好处, Johnson says. “It’s kind of a win-win situation,” he says.

当谈到企业如何支付诊所的服务费用时, 它是基于诊所开放的小时数和专业人员在那里工作,而不是病人的数量. If a physical therapist is scheduled at a site, for example, 无论是一个病人还是10个病人,费用都是一样的.

威尼斯注册送38元的领导希望免费诊所能改善员工的整体健康状况, 这将带来更高效的劳动力和更低的整体医疗成本, Johnson says.

“Over a long period of time, 这将使雇员和他们的家属更健康,并为雇员和雇主省钱,因为你在早期就发现了(问题),而不是等到问题变得更昂贵、更难以处理的时候,” he says.


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