
The world needs leaders who are able to think deeply about the Christian faith and who know how to share the Gospel compellingly in an age of distr行为ion. What better place to delve into Scripture and its supplemental texts than at one of the premier Lutheran universities in the nation?


This program is designed specifically for students who want to engage in serious theological discussion, 谁不是也在追求 教育 or 教会事工主任学位.

In this program, you’ll have the opportunity to study the structure of Christian belief and pr行为ice. You’ll dive into God’s Word as well as respected Lutheran doctrinal texts to properly frame your thoughts and perspectives before exploring the cultural, 政治, 以及神的话语对你日常生活的神学意义. 简而言之, this program is for anyone with an earnest desire to better understand and grapple with God’s message of salvation so that you can communicate it with confidence and zeal for the benefit of the Kingdom.


你将被要求研究和捍卫基督教信仰, 并通过书面和口头交流来综合巴黎人官方注册知识. 教授s will expose you to various approaches to public theology within different denominations and will compel you to examine the inter行为ion between Christianity and surrounding cultures, 从当前和历史的角度来看. You’ll come to understand how different branches of Christianity re行为 to conflict between Church 和State, 你将学会协商基督和文化的问题. 在这一切之中, we’re confident that the Holy Spirit will be at work through your disciplined and sincere exploration of the Christian faith, 结果无疑会对他的王国产生更大的影响.

