Build an informed, Christ-centered response to life’s moral dilemmas

我们生活在一个科学飞速发展的时代. The dizzying pace at which researchers are developing biomedical technologies necessitates that we also have people who are asking the right questions: What are the moral costs of this research? 这件事由谁来承担费用? 神的话语是怎么说的? And sometimes we might find that just because we have the technology to do something, 并不意味着我们应该用它.


This minor will give you the philosophical and legal background to critically think through how to ethically treat and serve other human beings. 你可以上《巴黎人官方注册》之类的课, 当代社会的生物伦理困境, 基督教护理, and a wide selection of electives including Environmental Ethics, 宗教与法律, 与研究伦理.

6个选修学分, you have the ability to tailor your minor to fit your future career in the 健康的职业, 法律, 心理学,或教堂工作. Because our program expectations include elements specific to CUW, any previous credits you have are transferred on a case-by-case basis.


你要学会挑战现状. 为什么? 因为像人体实验研究这样的问题, 辅助生殖技术, 临终关怀也需要它. You’ll learn to think ethically by first studying the human person as an immortal being designed by God. 下一个, 你将开始探索伦理学的意义, 当今的文化, 某些技术进步的影响, 以及适当的生物伦理学研究技能. All of these topics will be addressed in a way that affirms biblical truth, 认真回答反对意见, 并提供相关和实用的知识, 道德的:使人能坚定地按照道德原则行事的.

